European Integrated Hydrogen Project - Phase I


Ojectives of the Project

Implementation of hydrogen vehicle and infrastructure technology can only succeed if the coor-dination of European R&D activities are intensified and technical progress is not hindered by differing regulations and licensing procedures within the EU member states.

This project, which aimed at creating the basis for harmonisation of necessary legislation in Europe, was un-dertaken in close cooperation with licensing authorities in several EU member states (Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden).

The main objectives of this project were to: identify deficiencies impeding the harmonisation of guidelines, regulations etc., coordinate harmonisation in the approaches to standardisation; pre-pare a well-defined basis for discussion with relevant authorities; integrate the practical experi-ence with hydrogen vehicles in the draft regulations; integrate existing ECE frameworks; and develop concepts for standardised vehicle components and infrastructure.

The particular objectives of the EIHP were:

  1. To create a pan-European database of existing regulations and codes of practice ap-plicable to the use of hydrogen in vehicles
  2. To contact other pertinent authorities outside Europe (Japan, USA)
  3. To identify weak spots in today's technology
  4. To define the areas requiring regulation
  5. To analyse, identify and propose safety concepts
  6. To integrate ECE guidelines and create a basis of ECE regulation of hydrogen vehi-cles and the necessary infrastructure (replacing national legislation/ regulations)

As a result, proposals for further investigations and improved safety concepts were compiled, together with concepts for standardised vehicle components, infrastructure components and draft harmonised regulations.